Wednesday, November 28, 2007


I've been waiting tables at a locally-owned steakhouse for four months now. It's my first job as a server and I love it. I'm making plenty of money to live on while I'm in college, I've made some great friends in my co-workers, I meet interesting people, and I come away from every shift with at least one story to tell. Those last three are why I'm starting this blog. I figure somebody out there will be interested to hear about my life at work. Either you've been there and done that, or you're curious what it's really like to wait tables. Either way, hopefully you'll enjoy this.

Let me start by introducing myself. I'm Joey, I'm 19 (and a girl), I live in a Texas college town with a population of at least 100,000, and I'm putting myself through school. I'm little - 5'4" and thin, which leads to a lot of comments about the fact that I can carry not one or even two but three of our "so heavy" steak plates all by my little self. I also tend to get comments about my age. "You're so young, have you graduated high school yet?" is not a favorite. I may be 19 but I look much younger when I have my hair up for work. I'm sure that will be great when I'm 30 and still getting carded but right now it's just annoying. I've been with my boyfriend for almost three years now and we're about to move in together for the first time. I'm currently living with my dad and sister. I plan to be a counselor when I grow up and I dream of having a beautiful house, a blue Corvette, and a savings account big enough to send my kids to their dream colleges. I'm bubbly, cheerful, and witty most of the time, but catch me on a bad day and I can be bitchy, sarcastic, and snippy. I have a pretty good sense of humor about most things and I think the ability to laugh at myself is important. I have a low tolerance level for the truly stupid, though. I guess what it comes down to is that I'm really nothing special. I'm just your average waitress next door, but the people I come in contact with on a daily basis are special enough to warrant a record of my interactions with them. So here I am, recording.

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